For the look you want!
Specialising in Cosmetic Eyebrows, Eyeliner and Lip Tattooing.

Melbourne’s Leaders In Cosmetic Tattooing
Cosmetique Tattooing by Natalie is Nunawading’s home for cosmetic tattooing. Natalie specialises in eyebrow tattooing and lash enhancement tattoo/ invisible eyeliner tattoo.

Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing
We can create a brow shape to suit your facial structure.

Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattooing
Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattooing can finish the eyes and really shape them.

Cosmetic Lip Tattooing
Cosmetic lip tattoo enhances your lip line and tints the lips to achieve fuller defined lips.

Tattoo Lightening or Removal
Gently & effectively removes / lightens unwanted pigment from the skin using no lasers.

Lash Lift
Achieve beautiful sky-high lashes using your natural lashes.

The perfect glow up skin treatment.

Skin Needling
Skin needling is the ultimate anti-aging treatment

We use the highest quality gel builder polishes to promote and maintain healthy and long nails.
Cosmetique Tattooing also offers a full range of services including:
• feather stroke eyebrows
• powder brows
• combination brows
• lash enhancement/ invisible eyeliner
• eyeliner
• lip & lip liner